End of Summer Update

End of Summer Update


Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night. ~Hal Borland

Hey friends! It’s been quite a while since I had all my chickens gathered and my computer work up to date, so I thought I might jump back into it with a little heart to heart chat and update on what we’ve been up to this summer, and where we are headed from here.

To say our summer was busy would be a gross understatement. We were going, going, going almost every day. We had adventures at the local parks, the beach, the zoo, and our first junior rodeo for our oldest daughter. We had many adventures right here on our own property including watching the local deer raise their cute little fawns right in our pasture, finding snakes and salamanders in the yard, and raising our baby chicks into full grown laying hens. I am exhausted, but my heart is full and I hope the girls created some core memories to carry with them.

Oh! We got a cat! Not on purpose or anything, but we found a very tiny, VERY young kitten under our house alone. He was pretty dehydrated and screaming at the top of his tiny little lungs, so we brought him in and started bottle feeding him. He’s doing well so far and we are on week 2 of having him. The girls named him Kiwi.

What’s Next?

Well, I don’t know. Ha! Ok, I do have some plans and they involve going live again over on Facebook, and getting back into the swing of this blog. I love to write, and this gives me a great place to get it out. I am already planning next years garden because this one was a major flop this year. I am sad, and honestly a little frustrated with it, however that’s gardening I guess. Some years are overflowing (like last year) and others are not.

We also have some barrel races on our calendar. I am terrified because it’s been a LONG time, but I am excited too. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, all the things for me.

Other than that, we are in full blown cheerleading mode over here, and school activities are in full swing. It’s funny, I kept thinking when fall and winter get here things will slow down a bit. They are not slowing down, they are just adjusting or pivoting, if you will, and I am trying to pivot with them.

If you are a new follower to the blog, welcome! I have given myself a schedule and hope to check in with you weekly moving forward… but have some grace in case I still don’t have my chickens gathered.


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