Why Should You Be Cooking From Scratch?

Why Should You Be Cooking From Scratch?


Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.

Guy Fieri

Do you enjoy cooking? Like, plan out a meal while feeling the excitement in your bones about bringing it all together and watching others enjoy it? I do! I have always loved cooking and baking, but over the years I have had so many people say to me “Oh, I can’t cook.” My response? Absolute nonsense! If you can read, you can cook, and I truly believe that. In today’s technology ridden world you can find a recipe for anything and everything within seconds with step by step instructions. I will be the first to admit that I occasionally order take out for my family. It is convenient, and there are days that even I don’t feel like cooking. The goal for me is to cook at home, mostly from scratch, with good wholesome ingredients more than I don’t. Life is all about balance, right?

I want to lay out some of the benefits of cooking at home with whole food ingredients. I’m sure there will be more to come, but for now I have put together a short list to get us started.

Control of Ingredients

When you cook at home you control everything you put in your meal. It is quite empowering really! Your family doesn’t like a certain spice? Leave it out or swap it for something they do like. Do you need to watch your salt intake? Half what the recipe calls for, or even leave it out depending on the recipe. You can even add more of something your family does like. Kick up the spice, add an extra splash of sweetness. In the Huskisson kitchen, extra garlic is always on the menu.

Ingredients for Quick Cooker refried beans.

It Just Tastes Better

Let’s just be honest and admit it. Fresh home cooked food just tastes better. I think this goes back to being in control of your ingredients, plus it’s FRESH! If you make a burger and fries at home, it goes from the skillet/grill/pan to your plate in a matter of minutes. If you order a burger and fries from your favorite fast food restaurant, odds are it sat under a heat lamp or in a warming tray for some time before you got to enjoy it.

Cooking At Home Is Cheaper

I have been saying for a very long time that it is cheaper to cook at home than it is to eat take out. It is still cheaper even if you are eating all natural, fresh ingredients! I finally sat down today to prove it. Last week, the girls and I had a bunch of errands to run after I picked up my oldest from preschool, so we stopped at the drive through for a quick lunch. Two meals was $25.23. I then added up the ingredients I purchased for our dinner that I am cooking tonight and that total was $27.24. For that $27 I bought a whole chicken, small red potatoes (about a pound), two pounds of fresh green beans, salt, pepper, and onion powder. I already had the spices on hand so I could remove them from my cart. I could also remove the green beans because I still have green beans in my freezer from last year’s garden- win!

Here’s the best part groceries for tonight- that chicken will be rotisserie chicken with green beans and red potatoes tonight, chicken paninis tomorrow, and on Thursday we will finish the chicken with chicken noodle soup. 3 meals!

There is also the leftovers to consider. We are a leftover eating family and often we will eat the leftovers the following day for lunch. Savings all around!

Homemade Lasagna

More Family Time

It never fails. I step into the kitchen to start dinner and within minutes, the whole family is in there with me. Whether it is to tell me about their day, or to try to snag some freshly grated cheese, they are there. Sometimes I find myself frustrated at maneuvering around everyone. We have a very small kitchen, and when you get 4 people and 2 dogs in there, space gets pretty tight! But then I step back and look at how everyone gravitates to the kitchen while I am cooking, I can’t help but feel blessed. Yes, I may have to take a couple extra steps to get around everyone, but some day my daughters will be off doing their own thing and my kitchen will be quiet, so I am trying to find joy in all of the moments, even the crowded ones.

The Emotional Benefits

Cooking really is art. It is a way to get creative and try new things, or fine tune the skills you already have. I also find it to be a great stress relief. After a long day, the satisfaction that comes from starting with raw ingredients and ending with a masterpiece is HUGE!

So, I want to encourage you to get in the kitchen and get to cooking! Start small, or take a big leap, just start with fresh. If you need some encouragement, watch this quick how-to for Au Jus without a packet https://www.facebook.com/tarasfarmhousekitchen/videos/765640150821154

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