Top 5 Summer Gathering Recipes

Top 5 Summer Gathering Recipes


If summer had one defining scent, it’d definitely be the smell of barbecue.

Katie Lee

Summer is my jam. I power through the dark, gray, wet Pacific Northwest winters and springs with all the strength I can muster because I know that there is something beautiful on the horizon- warmth, light, and the soul recharging season of summer. I can’t even really pin down why I love summer so much, aside from the break from our constant gray-ness here, but I feel like the community I find myself in has something to do with it. We spend so much time at the arena, we have swim parties, we go to parks, and…. we BBQ! I know we are on the tail end of summer now, however it’s never too late to share my favorite made from scratch, simple, summer gathering recipes. Here are my top 5, in no particular order-

Marinated Meats

If you follow me on social media over at The Huskisson Homestead you will quickly see that I am a HUGE fan of freezer meals. They are so handy to have stashed away for a busy day, or a day like today when we are teetering dangerously close to 100*, which is unheard of in my area. My favorite freezer meals? Glad you asked! Marinated meats. Why? Well to start with they are delicious. They are also quick and easy and they are fabulous when cooked on the grill. Have some friends dropping by for a little get together? Try this amazing Aloha Chicken. Throw together a quick green salad or some fresh veggies from your garden and a low stress BBQ dinner is ready to be enjoyed by all.

Potato Salad

It may just be my family, but any type of BBQ or gathering comes with a massive bowl of potato salad. It’s summer comfort food around here, and its budget friendly! There are a million different ways to make potato salad, and while I like most I have tried, my mom’s potato salad is probably my favorite. It has simple ingredients and is easy to throw together. In my opinion it tastes best if it sits an hour or so before you serve it, chilled of course, so do yourself a favor and plan ahead a bit for this one.

Frito Salad

This is a recipe that came from my cousin. She showed up at a family gathering with it and wouldn’t tell me what was in it until I tried it- for good reason! It’s got some interesting ingredients that one would never think should be in the same bowl, but it works. It works so well that Frito Salad has since been served at another cousin’s wedding and is requested at most potlucks and BBQs that we attend. The only downfall is the leftovers don’t keep, so make sure you adjust the recipe to fit the crowd.

Refreshing Fruit Salad

We have fruit salad for most of our family holiday meals, and it’s always a favorite. You know, the kind with cans of fruit cocktail and whipped cream? Well summer just needs a lighter version, a fresh version. The fruit in this Refreshing Fruit Salad is coated in a bright honey lime dressing that just brings the whole recipe together. It is easy to throw together, you can adjust the fruit used to your liking, and the leftovers are just as amazing the next day as they were the day you served it, if you are lucky enough to have leftovers that is.

Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Ice Cream

Ok, who doesn’t love a yummy ice cream? This recipe was created using my Pampered Chef Ice Cream Maker after a trip to a local berry farm for some U-Pick strawberries. I wanted strawberry ice cream, Ada wanted chocolate ice cream, and the Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Ice Cream was born! You can’t go wrong with fresh strawberries picked from the field and turned into a sweet summer treat all in the same day. Trust me, if you show up to the BBQ with homemade ice cream, you will be the star.

Please share in the comments what some of you favorite summer gathering dishes are! I’d love to try them out.


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