Stocking Your Pantry for Inflation

Stocking Your Pantry for Inflation


Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.

Ronald Reagan

I have had this post on my mind for quite some time. Maybe a year or so, but honestly I had put off writing it in hopes that inflation would slow down and our worlds would start to resemble some type of “normal”. It doesn’t appear that is on the horizon for the near future, so it’s time to add my two cents to the game.

The Economic Research Service (ERS) of the USDA is predicting that instead of leveling off or even coming back down, food will continue to rise in price in 2024. Groceries are expected to rise another 2.9% while eating out in a restaurant is expected to rise another 4.3%. They are also predicting the price of meat to rise toward the end of 2024 due to bad weather and draught that has affected ranchers across the country. Things that the ERS expects to rise in price more so than other groceries are fats and oils, processed fruits and veggies, sugary sweets, processed drinks, and dairy products. I don’t know about you, but our dining experiences will largely be happening at home with prices like that. We will likely go out for a special occasion, but the last minute on a whim restaurant runs will not be happening. What does that mean? We will be cooking and eating at home more than ever.

The most alarming thing I have been reading lately is that the ERS is expecting more food shortages for 2024. They didn’t quite elaborate in anything that I could find if these food shortages would be equal to the shortages we witnessed in 2020, but I have no desire to wait around and find out.

What Can You Do?

There are a few things that you can start doing right now to stock your pantry and get ahead of further price increases and the potential food shortages. Shop sales and stock up on things that freeze well. If you see an amazing price on chicken or hamburger, but 3 packages instead of 2. Those fresh raviolis you love are buy one get one free? Buy four and throw three of them in your freezer. You get the idea! If you don’t know what will freeze well, wander down the freezer section at your local grocery store. Almost anything you see frozen there, can be in your freezer at home.

Start looking for things to buy in bulk. Flour, sugar, rice, oats, beans, etc. All of these things store well and for long periods of time if stored correctly. Only buy things your family will eat. If your family doesn’t enjoy eating beans, it will do you no good to have 25 pounds of them in your pantry. I am planning on placing my first order from Azure Standard very soon, and I encourage you to check them out! So many bulk options are available.

My favorite tip for anyone wanting to inflation proof their grocery budget is to learn to cook and bake from scratch. I know that it sounds intimidating and like you will spend your whole day in the kitchen, and while you can definitely get wrapped up in your tasks and spend all day in the kitchen, you don’t have to! You can make these amazing Chicken Chimichangas in under 30 minutes with just a few ingredients, or this Creamy Chicken and Rice Soup that is a quick and easy weeknight meal that your family will love.

What Are My Pantry Staples?

Glad you asked! I have a list of things that are a must at all times in my pantry. I primarily cook and bake from scratch, so this list encompasses what I need to make bread products, fresh pasta, and a wide variety of baked goods as well as a few things that I use almost daily for dinners. You can customize this list to fit your families tastes and preferences as well as what level of scratch cooking you are shooting for.

  • Flour- all kinds (bread, pastry, etc.) however if budget and space are an issue, all purpose will work!
  • Sugar or other sweeteners
  • Molasses (to make brown sugar)
  • Rice and Beans
  • Oats
  • Baking Powder
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Peanuts (for snacking, baking, and making peanut butter)
  • Yeast (or a good sourdough starter)
  • Powdered Milk and Powdered Buttermilk (The shelf life is amazing and can be used in baking and cooking with little effect on flavor!)
  • Spices and Seasonings (You can change up the same ol’ same ol’ dinner with a change of seasonings! Don’t undervalue a well stocked spice cabinet)
  • Onions
  • Vanilla
  • Baking Chips (chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips, etc.)

I hope this was helpful, and I hope you will all start buying a couple extra things on your shopping trips to start stocking your pantry and preparing for the wild ride it sounds like 2024 is going to be.


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